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Showing posts from September, 2023

How to Create and Use Custom Filters in Django HTML Templates?

To add custom filters in a Django HTML template, you can follow these steps: Create a Custom Filter Function: You need to create a Python function that defines your custom filter logic. This function should accept one or more arguments and return the filtered output. Register the Filter Function: You'll need to register your custom filter function with Django's template system. This is typically done in a Django app's templatetags directory. Use the Custom Filter in Your HTML Template: After registering the custom filter, you can use it in your HTML templates by loading the filter library and applying the filter to a variable or expression. Here's a step-by-step guide: Step 1: Create a Custom Filter Function  Let's say you want to create a custom filter to capitalize the first letter of each word in a string. You can define your custom filter function like this:         # myapp/templatetags/     from django import template     register = templ